• PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS Essentials in Fort Lauderdale June 25-26, 2016.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.

The Mission of PAIRS is to teach those attitudes, emotional understandings and behaviors that nurture and sustain healthy relationships and to make this knowledge broadly available on behalf of a safer, saner, more loving world.

Conversations that Matter for Couples

By Seth Eisenberg

One of the stories that has long stuck with me begins with a man in a marriage seminar asking, “Isn’t it true that in marriage two become one?”

The course leader paused for a moment before replying, “Yes, but which one?”

Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know thousands of couples and singles who have participated in PAIRS (“Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills”) marriage and relationship skills training classes. I’ve seen the pain of broken dreams and promises more times than I can remember. I’ve also witnessed countless examples of courage, commitment, love and many, many couples, often beyond the brink, who found themselves and each other again.

Much of that journey is connected to realizing the wishes, hopes and dreams that are most meaningful along with practical, usable skills for confiding, listening with empathy, understanding emotions in ourselves and others, and discovering the joy that can come from embracing differences instead of allowing them to become a source of conflict and distance.

Time and again I’ve seen that as people embrace the wonder and miracle of their own lives, they become more accepting of others, including the gifts and challenges that make each of us truly one-of-a-kind.

Quite simply, that’s very much the foundation of the work required to create and sustain relationships that have the greatest potential to be a source of love, pleasure, happiness and fulfillment for both partners.

I’m not talking about the infatuation stage of love, but a much deeper experience of love, intimacy, acceptance and connection than many people will ever know. For those who find their way, the rewards are beyond measure.

Creating We Couples, is meant as a companion workbook for couples and singles who have participated in PAIRS classes. It’s a step-by-step guide to conversations that matter with the people who matter most in our lives. For those of you who have never participated in PAIRS, Creating We Couples will introduce you to some of the most helpful, practical skills taught in PAIRS classes.

After completing the Relationship Pleasure Scale, you'll receive an email with a link to download a free copy of Creating We, a $29.95 value that is a gift from PAIRS for you and your relationships.

Click here to go to the Relationship Pleasure Scale.
After completing the six questions, you'll receive an
email with a link to download your free copy of Creating We Couples.

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